Taming the Urge to Eat More Chocolate in the Office

Root Whole Body food + nutrition, pain-free living, reducing stress

Everyone loves a good article about chocolate, especially when it’s reporting research encouraging chocolate consumption.  However, this time of year, many of us are doing our best to keep our minds off of chocolate.  Why must someone bring sweets to the office every single day of the holiday season?  Well, according to an article in Science Daily, after even a short burst of physical activity, people consume less office chocolate.  So if you’re trying limit your sweets, don’t get stuck at your desk!  If you can’t get outside, why not take a few laps around the office?  If you still find yourself reaching for that bowl of sweets, try to find some dark chocolate.  Studies show that dark chocolate is more filling than milk chocolate, so you won’t feel as tempted to go in for seconds.