Do You Love Your Glow?

Root Whole Body organic skin care, pain-free living

In my summer searching for skin care news, I came across the Skin Care Foundation’s new campaign.  It’s called, “Go With Your Own Glow.”  I love it!  Check it out!
Learning to love yourself can be a tough battle.  At Root, we’re all about helping our members and friends win that battle.  Only by letting go of judgment and truly caring for the bodies we’re in, can we truly care for ourselves and those around us.

Our skin is a crucial organ!  Let’s love it.  Thank you, Skin Care Foundation.

Go with your own glow!


The tangerine ripens

even beneath the shade

of its glossy-leafed hat.

He does not worry about the sun.

He only listens to the birds

and the movings of the clouds.

And yet, his green lets him go,

and in sweet elegance

the tangerine begins to glow

all around

orange and ripe.