How to Detox from Wildfire Smoke

How to Detox from Wildfire Smoke 

Root Whole Body Uncategorized

With the recent wildfires getting too close for comfort in our beloved state, filling our neighborhoods with smoke and toxic irritants, the whole body clinic team at Root previously sent out a public health alert on what to do naturally and at home to mitigate the effects of our smoke-filled skies.  Still, folks are now dealing with the lingering effects which …


OREGON AIR QUALITY ALERT: Natural Ways to Prevent Negative Effects

Root Whole Body Uncategorized

The Oregon wildfires have left us, and our community asking for guidance regarding this public safety issue. As we grieve the damage and loss of our precious land, we may also personally begin to feel its physical and emotional impact. Wildfire smoke is an irritant to the respiratory system and inhaling this mix of particulate and gases for prolonged periods …