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Hormone Health

What is Hormone Health?

Hormone health is the intimate chemical communication in our body that regulates sleep, menses, skin, mood and more.


What are the root causes of hormone issues?

The root cause is endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our environment, stress, and nutrition.


How does hormone health relate to whole body health?

Hormones are a part of everything. Everything is a feedback loop of constant communication and balancing acts.


How can Root help your Hormone Health Journey?

Root can help at any stage of life for both females and males. Men: mood, weight gain, libido, sexual performance, energy, sleep.

Women: mood, PMS, PMDD, Fertility, postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, irregular menses which then also correlate to mood, energy, sleep, weight gain, food cravings skin health, libido, sexual performance, etc

Hormones & Naturopathic Care

We know that everything works together and nothing in our physiological process is in isolation - so we look at the whole picture/whole body/whole health/root cause,


We know that everything works together and nothing in our physiological process is in isolation - so we look at the whole picture/whole body/whole health/root cause,

what is often involved in a hormone evaluation?

Evaluations involve screening blood labs - often times with someone’s cycle, salivary or urine testing for cycle tracking, cortisol evaluation.


What Is

Biote is Hormone Replacement Therapy. This is always based on pts pertinent symptoms and laboratory testing- most often in premenopausal women: Testosterone for mood, energy, libido, stamina and prevention.

Post menopause for estradiol and testosterone for hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep changes, weight gain, low libido and prevention of cardiovascular dz, osteoporosis, cognitive decline to name a few.

To get started on your Hormone Health Journey, and to learn more about how Root can help you along the way, click the link below!

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