Allie Westhoff, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist

Allie embodies all four of Root’s pillars of whole body health – food, movement, immunity & pause. She is more than a Massage Therapist, with an earnest mission to help clients create new neural pathways in the mind and new holding patterns in the body that can change the way they move and heal through life. She does so through somatic work, sound therapy and plant medicine.

Allie graduated from Boulder College of Massage Therapy in 2010 and found great joy in helping clients find more ease in their life through somatic awareness and manual therapies. Fascinated by the mind-body connection, she continued her studies at the Globe Institute of Sound and Consciousness in San Francisco, where she graduated in 2013, and began integrating therapeutic sound into her practice. She also has always had a deep reverence for plant and fungal allies and is currently training with the Alma Institute to become a licensed Psilocybin Facilitator.

Here at Root, her specialty is Somatic Sound Therapy, which is a gentle but profound way to nourish the nervous system and support the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Sessions may include a blend of massage, aromatherapy, guided meditation, cupping, and tuning fork therapy. The tuning forks work similarly to acupuncture needles by stimulating the energy centers of the body and guiding qi through the meridians. Somatic Sound Therapy is a wonderful alternative to acupuncture for the needle shy, and a great companion to counseling, meditation, yoga, or any other mindfulness and growth-based practice.