Leigh Kitchin, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist

Leigh brings a kind of versatility to Root that highlights her understanding of the human mind, body and spirit. She is greatly influenced by her background as a Pilates instructor, incorporating Pilates components into her Massage technique such as movement integration, breathwork, centering, flow and balance. Leigh also takes inspiration from her lifelong study of Dance and complementary healing movement modalities, such as Authentic Movement and Breathwork. Additionally, as a former Waldorf and Kindergarten teacher, Leigh seeks to spread knowledge of all kinds, including movement, self-care, gratitude and everything in between.

Leigh graduated from Virginia School of Massage and also holds a Masters Degree from Sunbdrige College in Education and Science. She is passionate about education, fitness, well-being, movement and pause.

Leigh specializes in Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue. She is motivated to bring deep relaxation and tension relief to her clients. She feels fortunate to continue her journey in the healing arts, movement and pause here at Root.