Introducing Wellness Vouchers: A flexible way to provide company benefits

Root Whole Body Front Page

loginbgChoice and Flexibility Promotes Participation

Deciding which employee benefits or wellness programs to offer can sometimes be a roll of the dice. Even if a company hosts a wellness workshop that people are interested in, the demands of business often competes with its best intentions and schedule.

Consider instead a turn-key solution that allows your employees to choose from a variety of wellness programming and educations that is of interest to them – when they want it.

Root Whole Body Wellness Vouchers allow companies to provide employees a variety of wellness programming – from workshops, services, individual wellness consults, classes and healthy food – that is important to them and can be designed around their busy lives.  For 2015 program details, contact Nikki Hull at (503) 954-6356 or [email protected].

For program details and costs, click here: 2015 Root Wellness Vouchers Flyer