Pause for Self-Care

Whole Body Health cannot happen without regular ‘pause’. Stopping to consider where you are, where you want to be and what it takes to get there. Taking a moment to consider what you are putting in your body, putting on your skin. Noticing how your body feels, what it's telling you. Prioritizing what you need to feel your best every day. Carving out the days, hours and minutes needed to put what you learn into practice through regular, ongoing acts of self-care.

At Root, this means daily mindful movement and breathe work, regular skin care treatments using natural, non-toxic products paired with innovative, non-invasive therapies to improve the health of your skin for natural radiance; ongoing body work through customized massage, using modalities from Swedish to Deep Tissue to Thai, to ease tension and reduce stress.

It means spending time in our Community Sauna for a warming, health boosting detox and enjoying a cup of medicinal herbal tea in the Tea Room while journaling about your day. It’s the “pause”, every day, that allows whole body health to happen.

Root’s entire team of knowledgeable, experienced and compassionate practitioners from all four pillars work collaboratively with each other, and with the rest of our team, to help you achieve gains in health and wellness and to maximize everyone’s ability to become resilient.


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Skin care

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Tea room

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