Traditional Dry Sauna vs Infrared Sauna

Breaking Down the Benefits: Traditional Dry Sauna vs Infrared Sauna

Root Whole Body Blog

By Dr. Jon Conant, LAc In our last blog on sauna, we explained the wonderful health benefits of using it as a therapy and also noted that we offer two types of sauna at Root: infrared and traditional dry sauna.  This led to questions about the differences between them, so we wanted to offer further explanation to help you choose …

Root Whole Body Summer Vitality Post

Summer Vitality: How to Nourish Yourself and Thrive in the Summer Months

Root Whole Body Blog

As we begin to safely and mindfully reintegrate as a community, health and wellness becomes more important than ever. Chinese medicine can offer us incredible insights into how to cultivate and maintain flourishing well-being. Chinese medicine is a 2,500-year-old medical practice that focuses on preventative medicine through diet and lifestyle recommendations as well as gentle medical interventions in the form …

Move Your Body at Home

Simple Ways to Move Your Body at Home

Root Whole Body Blog

With in-person studios and gyms unavailable right now, you may be looking for ways to continue working out and moving your body while at home. Making sure to still incorporate movement into your daily routine will prevent stagnation in your body, improve your mood, bolster your immunity and help ease any additional stress you may be feeling. Here are a …

Staying Connected During Social Distancing

Staying Connected During Social Distancing

Root Whole Body Blog

Connectedness: it’s what we, as humans, crave in order to feel a sense of community and a sense of purpose in the world. With the current state of mandated social distancing, physical connection to friends, co-workers, extended family and even friendly strangers is extremely limited. However, it’s so important that we continue to stay connected and lean on one another …

Video Conferencing with our Clinicians

Telemedicine Appointments: Video Conferencing with our Clinicians

Root Whole Body Blog

What is Telemedicine?  Definition: The remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology. Root Whole Body and Dr. Katherine Walker have started a Telehealth HIPAA compliant system using Zoom Video Conferencing that keeps us connected and compliant with appointments. We specifically started this system in order to continue care for our long distance patients and now with the spread of …

Rooted in Health - Coronavirus: Prevention

Rooted in Health – Coronavirus: Prevention

Root Whole Body Blog

To our Root community: Obviously, everyone’s talking about the coronavirus. It’s probably difficult to know what’s valid – and relevant – for you and your family.  Here is what we know and what we can do. Facts: This virus is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing. All the surfaces where these droplets land are infectious for about a week …

Foods That Will Boost Your Immune System

7 Foods That Will Boost Your Immune System

Root Whole Body Blog

By Dr. Nicole Kilian, ND, LAc Protecting our immunity is a key goal of many patients during the winter. Foods that help the immune system are often requested, but it is important to keep in mind that no single food will keep you from getting sick. Rather, focusing on eating healthy, resting, and reducing your stress will have the biggest impact. With that said, the foods below …

Bodily Pain from Work

How to Prevent Bodily Pain from Work

Root Whole Body Blog

One of the most common places I hear my patients talk about experiencing pain, whether it is in their neck, back or shoulders is during or after work. This is true even, and some times more frequently, from office jobs. Many of the physical, labor intensive jobs have on the job training that reviews or teaches proper lifting techniques to prevent injury. Office …

Where to Start with Weight Loss

Where to Start with Weight Loss: Tips from a Naturopathic Physician

Root Whole Body Blog

A recent interview with Dana James, the author of The Archetype Diet, revealed THE weight-loss equation:  Weight change = food + movement + hormones + inflammation + gut microbiome + sleep + medication + genes + unexpressed emotions + shame  I completely support this methodology; if anything I would have to add one modifier: + stress.  When it comes to sustainable weight …

Winter Stagnation in the Body

How to Minimize Winter Stagnation in the Body

Root Whole Body Blog

This time of year can be difficult for many of us. The days are cold and damp, the nights are long, and many of us feel a plummet in our motivation to do things that make us feel healthier. Stagnation sets in, mentally and physically. But just like the spring flowers push through the soil, you too will get through. Here are …

Loving Yourself this Valentine's Day

Self Compassion is Self Care: Loving Yourself this Valentine’s Day

Root Whole Body Blog

Hearts, cupids and chocolates, oh my! Tis the season where the world at large conspires to focus us all on our external relationships. However, with so much love in the air, why not focus some of that love internally? Self care is a buzz word in the media. However, in the name of self-care, there is a lot of negative self talk. Whether it is our weight, lifestyle habits, …

A Natural Way to Get You Through Cold and Flu Season

Warming Socks: A Natural Way to Get You Through Cold and Flu Season

Root Whole Body Blog

By Dr. Nicole Kilian, ND, LAc Feeling that familiar tickle in your throat? Why not try a pair of cold wet socks? Warming socks, as they are known in naturopathic circles, are the application of damp cold socks to the feet before bed. Their purpose is to increase blood flow and circulation to the feet. Most patients find this recommendation disconcerting at best, but they can be a …