Staying Cleansed

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, food + nutrition

This winter Dianne DelReyes, Nutrition Director and LAc, led a three week Detox Cleanse. Maybe you were there. (You brilliant, beautiful person you) Or maybe you were busy still catching up on the more-addictive-than-chocolate-covered-pretzel Twilight series. Or maybe you had your own detoxifying New Years resolution. But then, there was life. Busy, busy life. And then there was Valentine’s Day, and your cousin’s bat mitzvah, and Mardi Gras, and Lent (and you forgot to give up anything) and St. Patty’s (which you did not forget). Now, the jelly beans are coming, and that horrible army of little marshmallow bunnies and chicks is steadily approaching. Worse: you were just given True Blood on dvd for your birthday. Never fear! There are delicious foods you can use to supplement your daily diet and help you detox. Read about a few here.
Fortunately for you, garlic will not only keep the vampires away, but it also helps prevent infection. It’s so good for your immune system that researchers are looking into ways to use it in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. It’s also great in soup.

Ready to learn more? In the mood for a little spring cleaning? Join us for a three-week Spring Detox and Cleanse starting Sunday, April 17th at 1pm. Dianne will lead a group of cleanse friends to higher energy, weight loss, and new cravings for nutritious foods.  Register Now!