It's your 20's, you're feeling great! Use that momentum to take part in preventative care. Begin a foundation for both physical and mental health, as well as an important self-care regimen.
The transition into womanhood can be overwhelming. This is a crucial decade to prioritize mental health. Speaking with a mental health provider regularly, getting enough sleep and beginning a mindfulness practice are all great ways to tend to the mind and emotions. For those on a budget in their twenties, we suggest finding free group meditations in your local area, or using a podcast to help begin the practice.

Don't let the invincible feeling of being in your 20s fool you. If health isn't prioritized in this decade, the negative effects will be felt in decades to come. Supplements with vitamin D and K work together to help absorb calcium and strengthen bones. Incorporate spirulina for iron, a common deficiency among women in their 20s. Stay on top of yearly physical exams. And, if you're a party girl, consider regular IV therapy to replenish your body.

Moxibustion with acupuncture for menstrual cramps
pms, menstruation & hormones
Cramps, bloat, irritability, fatigue and weight gain are common symptoms of PMS and painful periods. We recommend getting your hormones evaluated and checking in with our Naturopathic Physician who can offer natural remedies to restore hormonal balance and provide menstrual ease. For when menstrual cramps need help right away, seeing one of our Acupuncturist can reduce pain and minimize irritability and feeling down. Using moxibustion in an acupuncture session will provide soothing heat to your uterus, an acupuncture enhancement commonly used by our clinicians.

protect your metabolism
No crash dieting! Eat bone-building leafy greens, omega-3's (to boost serotonin) & plant-based proteins. Consider embarking on a journey with our Naturopathic Practitioners, who can guide, coach and instill health practices that will last a lifetime.

Bone-building whole foods such as dark leafy greens are an important staple for the 20-something female
WHOLE BODY HEALTH in your 30's

Building careers, pregnancy, investing, or learning who you truly are. The 30s are a decade that show just how important self-care and wellness really are.
maybe baby
Now a days, women are choosing to have children later, in their 30's as opposed to their twenties. While risks can be higher with mother's ages rising, Root is here to let you know that age is just a number, and the health of the mother is what really matters. Eating folate-rich foods like broccoli, asparagus and leafy greens are a must for those planning to become pregnant. Making sure you and your partner get lab work done is also an important step in navigating fertility. And, did you know that regular acupuncture can be a useful tool to boosting fertility and overall well-being?

getting a regular massage can alleviate tension, reduce stress and provide much needed relaxation for a woman in her 30's
you can do it!
Maintaining that youthful strength, balance, and endurance is totally possible in your 30's, and can be fun too! The idea is simply to move, and not to add more stress to our bodies. With that said, we recommend avoiding super high intensity-workouts, and instead advise movement to nourish those adrenal glands, such as strength training and meditative walks. Other examples of movement to support the nervous system that we love to encourage are barre, pilates, and yoga. We like these suggestions, as they are not only good for your physical health but are also beneficial to your mental health and emotional well-being!

nervous system tea from root tonic & tea: promotes healthy relaxation and a good night's sleep
life got busy
Between building careers, homes & families, balanced with world travel and socialization, the 30's can be quite busy and very stressful. Through diet, mindfulness, self-care and seeing a Naturopathic Physician stress can be coped with in a healthy manner.
We recommend eating anti-inflammatory adrenal supporting foods like goji, acai & blueberries, and drinking nervous system Formula No. 03-1 Nervous System Tea from Root Tonic & Tea to regulate stress hormones.
Another incredible modality for stress management is acupuncture, which we suggest a 30 year old woman incorporate into her life at least 1-2 times a month. And, of course a deeply relaxing regular massage is not only important for relaxation, but for reducing harmful stress and painful tension. We recommend a monthly massage.


It's your 40s and you have figured out how to handle everything like a champ. But don't forget to practice self-care, eat clean and pause to restore. You are worth it! In this decade you will want to stay on top of common issues for women in their 40s such as deteriorating vision, increased risk of cancer, changes in bone density, heart disease, perimenopause, weight gain, and aging skin.
Maintaining movement, strength, and flexibility in this decade will pay off in the decades to come. Women in their forties need to lengthen warm-up and stretching times before working out while focusing on resistance training to support metabolism.
To alleviate and prevent symptoms related to perimenopause, such as slowing metabolism, low energy and trouble sleeping, we recommend avoiding processed food now more than ever. This may be a good time to eat cleaner than you ever have with the support and guidance of your Naturopathic Physician.
A woman in this decade may also want to consider balancing their hormones. At Root, we start this process with a hormone evaluation, a simple blood test. From that point, there are multiple options to optimize hormone balance, that you and the doctor can discuss, such as BioTe. BioTe can have incredible results, using bioidentical pellets. Results may include restored libido, increased energy, better sleep, weight loss and mental clarity.

Mindful breathing produces a full oxygen exchange for your cells, this can lower your heart rate and normalize your blood pressure.
what to incorporate
As one of our four pillars of whole body health, the food a woman eats in her forties is crucial to her overall well-being, how she will age, and how she will feel both physically and emotionally. We recommend foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals for mood enhancement, such as raw cacao. We also suggest incorporating fermented foods into most meals for optimal gut health. A forty-something woman may want to try milk thistle to support their liver function, and metabolism and to promote healthy cholesterol levels.

Hormone optimization with BioTe may help restore muscle mass, promote weight loss, increase energy & libido.
preventative care
Preventative healthcare is perhaps the best healthcare. Women in their 40s should prioritize benefiting from prevention and early detection by scheduling their mammograms and colonoscopy.
support the mind
A woman in her forties knows that the state of her cognitive functioning and emotional well-being has a profound impact on all the aspects of her life. Root Whole Body suggests supporting the brain with a diet rich in omega-3's such as salmon, oysters, flax seeds, chia seeds & walnuts.
Socialization and prioritizing emotional well-being are as important in your 40's as it is for anyone. Meditation, counseling and acupuncture are excellent ways to nourish a healthy emotional mind.

Chia pudding from blossoming lotus cafe & juice bar for extra fiber

In your 50's, you know who you are and what you need. But don't miss out on what else you also may need, according to the experts. Menopause, depression, heart disease, bone density, breast cancer, general aging (cell health), and lack of physical activity, are what to look for in your 50's.
your largest organ
We recommend that a woman in her 50s get an organic facial at least once every 3 months to keep up with the changing seasons and its impact on aging skin. In between organic skincare services, we suggest using SPF daily, as well as nourishing, non-toxic products featuring hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid to plump fine lines and wrinkles and revive sagging skin.
Are you seeking a non-invasive solution to anti-aging? Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is probably for you. This acupuncture process reduces fine lines and wrinkles and brings back your natural, youthful glow. Paper-thin acupuncture needles are gently placed onto strategic points of the face to restore your natural collagen production, stimulate blood flow, and remove dead skin cells
Our clinic team also recommends getting your skin checked out by a doctor at least once a year.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a non-invasive, yet highly effective solution to the loss of collagen production a 50-something woman may be experiencing
menopause, hormones & vitality
In your 50's menopausal symptoms can be intense and lower the quality of life. Our team recommends multiple hormone balancing solutions to make this time in life a positive experience. Optimizing hormonal levels during this decade can improve sleep, reduce hot flashes, heighten libido, improve cognitive functioning and restore energy. We suggest talking with our Naturopathic Doctor about BioTe to see if you are a candidate for this incredible, bioidentical method of balancing hormones. Building a relationship with your practitioner can also give you the tools and insight needed to develop a diet that supports changing hormones, such as a diet rich in edamame, dark leafy greens, legumes, fish, whole grains and fruit.
A woman experiencing hot flashes may not want to step foot in a sauna, however not only can it reduce hot flashes, but it can also reduce stress and improve immune function. A lower temperature option for sauna use, with even more benefits, is the infrared sauna, which is typically 30 degrees cooler than the community cedar sauna.

Regular facials not only provide optimal skin health and nourishment, but also leave a woman in her 50's feeling restored, relaxed and cared for.
mental health
Mental health is health, period. Just as a 50 year old woman takes care of her physical health like a champ, we encourage women to take care of their mental well-being as well. Our team here at Root recommends talking to a counselor regularly, going to acupuncture 2-4 times a month to boost mood and reduce stress, and practice gratitude each morning and each night.
Balance begins to dwindle as we age. Build a strong and centered physical foundation now by focusing on balance when exercising. If you're looking for guidance as you seek to strengthen your balance, but would like a more private prescriptive experience, we recommend private yoga This one on one private yoga practice gives the student the teacher's undivided attention, and is customizable to fit their individual needs.

Private yoga can take the anxiety that may come from on balance and flexibility in front of a whole class.
Your primary care physician will be your ally more in this decade than ever before. Did you know that our Naturopathic Doctor is a primary care physician? Together you and she can create a whole body health decade in your 50s targeting optimal heart, hormonal, mental, bone, and cell health.
get ahead of it
Preventative healthcare and early detection are your super powers to enjoy the most years with the highest quality of life. Schedule your mammogram and colonoscopy and other screening labs including pap smears.


You're wise and grounded, but you may notice you're physically not where you once were. These decades are to focus on bone and heart health and maintaining optimal cognitive functioning. Common health issues for women 60 years and older to look out for are heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, Alzheimer's, arthritis and obesity.
Weight-bearing exercises stimulate bone formation and slow down age-related bone loss. Try walking, jogging, swimming, climbing stairs and pilates. One 10-year-long study showed that a 12-minute daily yoga routine increased bone mineral density in the spine, femur and hips, so we recommend daily yoga as well. A fun way to enjoy yoga and hang out with friends, is to book a small private yoga class for you and the gals. However, if you have osteoporosis, or some sort of injury, please consult with your doctor before starting any new routine.

blood flow
Good circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and helps prevent cardiovascular issues. Proper circulation allows every organ to function properly, helps heal wounds faster and keeps your mind sharp. Ways to improve circulation are regular sauna sessions (but check with your doctor first!), hydrotherapy medicinal soaks, getting a massage, going on walks and elevating your feet. If the regular cedar sauna is too hot for you, we suggest trying a cooler temperature infrared sauna, which uses lights more so than heat to penetrate the skin on a cellular level, resulting in improved immune function, cell health, detoxification, and mood.

Antioxidant rich avocados support brain & heart health.
food as medicine
In your 60's we recommend avoiding dairy, excess meat, and processed sugar. Regular foods to incorporate are blueberries for their powerful antioxidants (to promote cell health), avocado (for brain & heart health), and dark leafy greens for their nutrient-dense benefits ranging from bone health to cognitive functioning.
emotional health & cognitive functioning
Preserving optimal cognitive functioning as we age is key, but so is tending to our emotional well-being. Mental health is health. Time in nature, practicing gratitude, gentle yoga, meditation, acupuncture, talk therapy and socializing are all ways to keep the mind and emotions at a healthy place. Try incorporating ginkgo biloba into your supplement regime, which Traditional Chinese Medicine has found to improve cognitive function by stimulating circulation and promoting blood flow to the brain.

Overall Wellness