Dr. Tony Murczek on the Miracle of Medical Qigong

Root Whole Body better sleep, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, meditation, pain-free living, reducing stress

Soaring Crane Qigong: Medicine doesn’t always come in the form of a pill. “It just flat out works” says Dr. Murczek, who has been teaching this medical form of qigong for more than ten years. Since he’s a naturopathic physician, acupuncturist, applied kinesiologist and homeopath, we think he might know what he’s talking about. And we’re thrilled to have him …

Time for your Seasonal Mind Body Cleanse!

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, Events, food + nutrition, Front Page, increasing energy, meditation, reducing stress

14-day MIND BODY CLEANSE: Gentle, Sustainable, Transformative with Brittany Sandoval, Holistic Nutritionist and Kat Lui, Meditation Therapist CLEANSING THE BODY begins with clean nutrition. The first week tends to be the most challenging. We start by nurturing our bodies with only clean greens, veggies and fruits. This isn’t a fast, and it’s not a crash juicing course. It’s about eating …

How to Stay Grounded this Holiday Season

Root Whole Body meditation, reducing stress

‘Tis the season…a time of miracles, joy and gratitude. Except, sometimes, that’s a lot of pressure – expectations from family, friends, and the media to be cheerful, grateful, enthusiastic and full of love. We put pressure on ourselves to throw the perfect Christmas party, we stress about what we’ll be doing for New Year’s this year, how can we possibly …

The Medical Benefits of Soaring Crane QiGong

Root Whole Body better sleep, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, pain-free living, reducing stress

  In 1982, Professor Chen Hui Xian was diagnosed with breast cancer. The prognosis was grim, until she began learning Soaring Crane Qigong from one of Master Zhao’s first students. One year later she was in excellent health. The ancient traditions of Chinese healing, movement, and martial arts bring with them a profound and poetic ‘something’ that has enticed more …

Myer’s cocktail: Sometimes your cells need a boost, too.

Root Whole Body better sleep, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, natural remedies, reducing stress

Snail mail vs. E-mail – the difference between getting your vitamins intravenously vs. orally For the past several decades many practitioners in the alternative health field have administered IV nutrients to help patients with a variety of conditions. One such formulation has been used again and again, with great success. This preparation is commonly referred to as a Myer’s cocktail. …

In Gratitude – a Journal for Life

Root Whole Body Front Page, reducing stress

I have a friend who has a particular habit I’ve never seen anyone else do. Whenever we go out to eat, he always introduces himself to his server, and asks for their name. And every time I’ve seen this happen, the result is lovely – all parties involved find ourselves smiling, we feel connected with each other, and are happier …

Deep Tissue Massage

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention, pain-free living, reducing stress

  Deep Tissue Massage is a type of massage therapy that seeks to access structural layers of muscles and fascia (the connective tissue surrounding the muscles). The slow, concentrated strokes focus on releasing chronic muscle tension and adhesions (knots) in these layers that lie far below the surface of the body. The term ‘deep tissue’ encompasses different styles of massage …

Fitness for Your Mind: The Benefits of Meditation

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, pain-free living, reducing stress 26169 Comments

“In our over-stimulated world, meditation will become the new yoga.” Somehow, deep down we all seem to know that relaxation is good for us. We know we should make more time for a meditation practice. Maybe if you knew some concrete things as to the benefits of meditation, it would be easier to talk yourself into a few extra minutes …

Foam Roller Workshop with Dr. Brenda Ku

Root Whole Body better sleep, Events, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, keeping flexible, pain-free living, reducing stress 21897 Comments

  Foam Roller Workshop with Dr. Brenda Ku Saturday May 3rd @ 1:30pm Post-workout, post-injury or post-surgery, learn how to restore your body to maintain a flexible, active and pain-free lifestyle. You’ll take home a foam roller and specific techniques to reduce pain, minimize sore muscles and remove adhesions. $45 pp includes includes Roller to take home | $30 pp without …