Time for your Seasonal Mind Body Cleanse!

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Gentle, Sustainable, Transformative

Screenshot from 2015-04-08 18:13:07

with Brittany Sandoval, Holistic Nutritionist and Kat Lui, Meditation Therapist

CLEANSING THE BODY begins with clean nutrition. The first week tends to be the most challenging. We start by nurturing our bodies with only clean greens, veggies and fruits. This isn’t a fast, and it’s not a crash juicing course. It’s about eating well, chewing mindfully and training your body to adjust to new habits. After the first week, we begin to re-introduce other foods like grains and beans. Oh joy!

CLEANSING THE MIND begins with creating sacred space. We live in a harried, noisy world of responsibilities and expectations. A holistic cleanse means creating the space and time to understand, acknowledge and let go of mental/emotional debris that has been building up and

stuffed away until you have time to breathe and let it all go. Psst…it’s time now! Why wait? Participants will approach a seasonal cleanse holistically: cleansing the body and clearing the mind through nutrition and meditation. Group sessions begin April 5th. Experience how nutrition and meditation works to awaken and clarify your body of energy, creating space for freedom and a new mindful way of eating/being.


What participants will learn or take away from the 14-day cleanse: $195 ($300 value)

• Welcome package of meal plans, shopping lists, recipes; practices and at-home exercises for clearing physical, mental and emotional clutter

• 2 group classes (60 minutes) Sundays April 5th and 12th 6-7pm

• 1 private nutrition session (60 minutes)

• 1 private meditation therapy session (60 minutes)

• 2 weeks unlimited yoga + sauna during the cleanse

• Personal, on call support via text, phone and email from practitioners

+ optional add-on: for candida and parasite cleansing

+ optional add-on: prepared meals through Root’s vegan restaurant partners

INDIVIDUAL MIND BODY CLEANSES (for those on their own schedule)

14-day INDIVIDUAL includes: $295 ($400 value)

• 2 private nutrition sessions (60 minutes)

• 2 private meditation therapy sessions (60 minutes)

• 2 weeks unlimited yoga + sauna

• 10% off additional services to support your cleanse

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the cleanse dates? We offer group cleanses in January to start off the new year, in the Spring (April), and Fall (October). Individual cleanse packages are available at any time. The next 14 cleanse starts April 12, 2015.

Will I be able to eat on this cleanse? Does the cleanse include fasting? No, there is no juice or lemonade fast during the cleanse. You will be eating the whole time using food to cleanse your body. This cleanse was designed to set you up for success during this time and beyond. Each week you will learn how to nourish yourself through food and self care techniques.

Does the cleanse require supplements or powders? This is a food-based cleanse. We recommend the use of functional food to support your body’s natural detoxification process, such as a digestive shake, warm lemon water, fermented foods, and herbal teas. The suggestion of supplements for specific health conditions may be advised based on the individual.

How will my energy levels be affected? Energy levels vary from person to person and week to week on the cleanse. The first few days are usually the hardest as your body will be going through withdrawals from your normal diet, especially from sugar, caffeine, dairy, and processed foods. After the first week, people often experience more energy.

Can I still exercise on the cleanse? Yes! This is why we have included unlimited movement at Root Whole Body during the cleanse. We recommend avoiding high intensity workouts during this time and focusing more on long walks in nature and yoga.

Will everyone be doing the same cleanse? What if I need more protein? While we provide you a skeleton structure on which to base your cleanse, it is still YOUR cleanse. Through a mixture of group classes and private sessions, your practitioners help you create a program that fits your specific needs. If you need more protein or other nutrient, talk to your practitioner to see how you can modify the cleanse to give you maximum benefit and success.

What’s the benefit of doing a cleanse vs. one on my own? One of the biggest difficulties with changing a habit is finding the will to stick with it in the long run. The beauty behind group cleanses is that you’re not alone, and all of the guesswork has been taken out – you can rest on the week by week instructions, meal plans and practices provided by the practitioners, and share your victories and woes with your fellow cleanse-mates.

If doing an individual cleanse with Root, you won’t have classes and group sharing, but you are able to do everything on your own schedule. You have more private individual attention from you practitioners, who are also available via phone, email and social media throughout the cleanse.

What will I get out of the group classes? Why are in-person interactions so much more gratifying than ones in virtual reality? There is a component of energetic exchange. Through sharing food, sharing stories, and sharing knowledge, we learn and understand from not just the mind, but from the body and spirit. Our practitioners will provide talks on the specifics of nutritional cleansing, philosophies and models behind meditation for modern times, how-tos, plus thought provoking practices, conversations, and Q+A during classes.

What is meditation therapy? The Inner Space Techniques is a set of therapeutic and healing techniques based on the inner space of meditation. Developed by Dr. Samuel Sagan with a team of doctors, psychologists, homeopaths, naturopaths and other health practitioners, they have been widely used over a period of 25 years. The approach is practical and profound. For thousands of years meditators have discovered that beyond the conscious surface level of the mind lie forces that shape personality, cause stress, neurosis and at times even ill-health.

• Address causes rather than symptoms.

• Find the source of the problem.

• Experience the deep profound you inside, that can change.

I don’t meditate (or I have difficulty meditating). Can I still do the cleanse? Will the meditation therapy work on me? This is exactly why a mind-body cleanse could be beneficial for you. No prior meditation experience is required for the cleanse or meditation therapy sessions. In class and private sessions, you will gain tools to deal with ‘quieting the active mind’, learn how to sit comfortably for your body type, and gain first hand experiences of higher states of Self.


Brittany Sandoval, Holistic Nutritionist   |    [email protected]   |   (503) 819-3987

Kat Lui, Meditation Practitioner   |   [email protected]   |   (503) 862-8218