Wellness Cultural Adventure

Thailand 2018: 10-Day Yoga + Wellness Cultural Adventure with Root Whole Body

Root Whole Body Events, Front Page

  Join Root Whole Body for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to unwind and nourish your soul with the amazing people, culture and spirit of Thailand! Chiang Mai/Phuket Thursday, Nov. 15th – Sunday, Nov. 25th, 2018 [optional Bangkok pre-tour starting nov. 11th ] There’s a magic that happens when you’re willing to break out of your everyday scene and appreciate the way …

Cooking with Kids

Cooking with Kids – Banana Rolls!

Root Whole Body Events, food + nutrition, Front Page

The Nutrition Link That Is Missing Helping children develop healthy eating habits early in life is a great way to ensure lifelong health. There is no better way to foster this (for you and your little ones) than to cook with your children. Learn from Alex McMahon, Nutritional Therapist and former preschool teacher. Try this fun cooking experience with your …

Stock your Pantry

Stock your Pantry and Refrigerator With these Goodies

Root Whole Body Events, food + nutrition

Nutritionist Brittany Sandoval and Mindfulness Expert Kat Lui have been partners in cleanse crime, creating programs that inspire, recipes that are delicious and simple, and tactics for transforming your mental/emotional habits from stress-producing to stress-releasing. To whet your appetite, here’s a list of commonly used items that we encourage you to use during our cleanses – a great way to …

Real Food Nutrition: the Art of Un-Dieting

Root Whole Body Events, food + nutrition, Front Page

What if you ate to feel good, not just taste good? This 4-class series is designed to open your minds to the world of plant-based nutrition (why it’s the easiest thing you can do for your health) and inspire you with quick and delicious ways to incorporate more colors and nutrients into your meals. Each class will provide sampling opportunities or take home …

Time for your Seasonal Mind Body Cleanse!

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, Events, food + nutrition, Front Page, increasing energy, meditation, reducing stress

14-day MIND BODY CLEANSE: Gentle, Sustainable, Transformative with Brittany Sandoval, Holistic Nutritionist and Kat Lui, Meditation Therapist CLEANSING THE BODY begins with clean nutrition. The first week tends to be the most challenging. We start by nurturing our bodies with only clean greens, veggies and fruits. This isn’t a fast, and it’s not a crash juicing course. It’s about eating …

Natural Ways to Ban the Common Cold

Root Whole Body Events

Natural Ways to Avoid the Common Cold, Mini-Massages and Take Home Gifts.  RSVP Required SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH  FROM 6-8PM You are invited to take control of your health this winter. Join us and learn how to boost your immunity and prevent illness this season. Evening includes immunity-boosting beverages, hot soups, wellness take home gifts and a drawing for a 4-week Immune-Boosting …

Interested in bringing a little Root to your workplace?

Root Whole Body Events, Front Page

Stress is the top cause of workplace illness, affecting 3 out of 4 workers. No question a company’s work culture is becoming more and more important as it relates to increased productivity, camaraderie, retention and growth. Keeping employees healthy is simply good business. And keeping employees healthy, grounded, mindful, inspired towards self-care and helping them step into their full potential …

A Special 3-month “Staycation” Program for the Summer (Exclusively for Educators)

Root Whole Body Events, Front Page

EXCLUSIVELY FOR TEACHERS THIS SUMMER: Unlimited Yoga, Meditation & Foam Rolling Classes all summer (3 months maximum) for $49/month!  And join us for a special FREE monthly PPS events (chair massage, group meditation, group acupuncture) just for you and your fellow colleagues! SIGN UP BY JUNE 30th and receive a $25 certificate against wellness service of your choice:  massage, organic skin, acupuncture, …

What Would Grandma Do?

Root Whole Body Events, Front Page 33260 Comments

CLICK HERE TO ENTER AND WIN + a MONTH OF YOGA and SAUNA + TWO-FER MASSAGE and ORGANIC FACIAL FOR YOU and MOM Share the wisdom of the ‘elders in your family with their natural home remedies and traditions on Root’s Facebook page this season! CLICK HERE TO ENTER Share your grandma wisdom with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ …

Cleaner + Clearer

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, Front Page 25945 Comments

    CLEANER + CLEARER Optimal health and healing can take place naturally when physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental aspects of life are brought into proper balance. Spring’s here and it’s the perfect time for your body (and mind) to hit the refresh button. JOIN US? *INTRODUCING* Organic Skin Treatment for the Body CHOICE OF TWO 60-MIN SKIN SERVICES …

Mind Body Spring Cleanse

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, food + nutrition, Front Page 31172 Comments

Holistic cleansing for mind, body, and Spirit.  Nutritionist Brittany Sandoval and Meditation Therapist Kat Lui will be leading a MIND-BODY cleanse, complete with meal plans, shopping lists, practices, activities, and private sessions to support you in a deep cleanse that is gentle, sustainable and transformative. Join the group, or opt to do the cleanse on your own schedule. The group …

Thailand 2014

Root Whole Body Events, from our founder, Front Page

Thailand 2014: 10-Day Yoga + Wellness Cultural Adventure with Root  Join Root Whole Body Founder Pat Johnson and Monica Rudestam, LAc MSOM for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to unwind, unravel and nourish your soul with the amazing people, culture and spirit of Thailand! There’s a magic that happens when you’re willing to break out of your everyday scene and appreciate the …