Our Very Own Food Whisperer With Her Favorite Strategy For The Holidays

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, food + nutrition

The holidays are not too far away.  It's time to prepare yourself before you're busy preparing everything else.  Are you looking forward to this time of joy, togetherness, and overeating?  Are you worried about eating too much and ending the year with a few more pounds than you wanted?  Or simply not feeling the way you want?
Do not fear.

By putting together a few realistic strategies for yourself, you will have the tools when times get busy and you are exposed to your trigger foods and situations.  This is deeply individual and I am happy to help you figure out your way.

One of my favorite go-to strategies is called 'crowd out'.  It's less about depriving yourself and more about finding healthy, better-for-you substitutes.  Always try to eat protein, fiber and healthy fats to pacify your cravings…stay away from empty carbs.  If you drink a lot of water along with it, it will help fill you up and keep you happily away from unhealthier options.  If you need something sweet, try to substitute with better-for-you options.  I am happy to help you find the substitutes that work for you.

All of this sounds so simple.  And it is.  But we never stick to it.  Making yourself aware of your individual trigger foods and situations, having actual strategies ready, and having talked through them with someone who holds you responsible makes a big difference.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you find your optimum you, just begging to be discovered!

In health,

Barbara Birke MS, Holistic Nutrition | Sports Science

PS: Sign up for your individual “holiday survival strategy session.”  Sign up today! Just $25.