Water Bottles Are Your Friends

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, food + nutrition, organic skin care

Everyone knows it’s important to drink water.  8 glasses a day, some say.  Others say you should take your weight in pounds, divide by two, and drink that many ounces.  And others have other opinions.  It’s great for your skin, your cells, and your ability to keep yourself cleansed. I encourage you to keep water with you at all times.  …

Acupuncture: Get Out of Your Medicine Cabinet and into Chinese Medicine

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, managing hormones, pain-free living, reducing stress

Chinese medicine has had a long and difficult history.  As early as the 6th century BC, Ye He was making diagnoses based on yin, yang, wind, rain, night, and day.  It’s incredible that a methodology and practice that has healed for thousands of years is not more widely used and accepted today.  What’s not as surprising is that it is …

How Not To Be A Poser

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, pain-free living

When I heard about Jay’s upcoming workshop at Root, How Not To Be A Poser, the first thing I thought was, wow—what a clever title.  But, when I read the description, I saw that the title is apt as well as clever.  On October 2nd, Jay is going to lead us beyond the yoga pose, and into a deeper experience …