Fresh Pea and Cucumber Salad with Mint

Root Whole Body food + nutrition

Here is a refreshing and simple salad to keep you cool and healthy: 1 cup fresh peas (shelled) 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped 2-3 tablespoons fresh mint, chopped 2-3 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped Juice of 1 lemon Sea salt to taste   Combine all ingredients in a bowl and serve. Serve as a side salad or add quinoa to create …

Interested in bringing a little Root to your workplace?

Root Whole Body Events, Front Page

Stress is the top cause of workplace illness, affecting 3 out of 4 workers. No question a company’s work culture is becoming more and more important as it relates to increased productivity, camaraderie, retention and growth. Keeping employees healthy is simply good business. And keeping employees healthy, grounded, mindful, inspired towards self-care and helping them step into their full potential …

Skin and Sun

Skin and Sun

Root Whole Body Front Page, organic skin care

Did you know that there are two very distinct types of skin aging? The first is called intrinsic aging, and it has to basically do with our genes and how well we produce collagen and elastin. Signs of intrinsic skin aging can include fine wrinkles, thin or transparent skin, lack of underlying fat leading to a loss of firmness in …

The Science (and Joy) of Stretching

The Science (and Joy) of Stretching

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention, keeping flexible

  “It is because the body is a machine that education is possible. Education is the formation of habits, a super inducing of an artificial organization upon the natural organization of the body.” ~ Thomas Henry Huxley Ask different scientists or physicians, and they will not all agree on what is the most limiting factor for flexibility and what you …

Create your own natural first-aid kit

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention

Arnica, Bromelain & Goldenseal – nature heals…and it’s easy to create a collection of alternative first aid remedies. No matter how conscientious and careful we may be, sometimes we get hurt. In some cases or emergencies, conventional medical treatment is necessary. However, many first-aid injuries can be treated with natural remedies that may be even more appealing since they support …

Eating Right for the Season: Cooling Foods for the Summer

Root Whole Body food + nutrition, Front Page

Ancient Chinese medicine practitioners discovered long ago that most foods have either cooling, warming, or neutral characteristics. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and in the philosophies of nutritionists like Paul Pritchford, food IS medicine. As our community becomes more aware of ‘alternative’ medicine (Eastern medicine is a 2000+ year old tradition versus Western medicine which is about 200 years old), …

If you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already dehydrated! How much is not enough?

Root Whole Body food + nutrition, Front Page, healing + injury prevention

Summer lavender lemonade? Yes please! Have a sip, and test yourself – do you know the signs of dehydration? You probably know in theory that when the temperatures kick up and you become more active in the summer, you should make an effort to stay hydrated. But how much liquid is necessary? How do you actually know if you, or …

Summer Bummers

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention

How to prevent BBQs, flip-flops and trampolines from ruining summertime playtime with unnecessary injuries. Summer should be all about fun. But, according to the Center for Disease Control, more than 29 million people are treated in the ER for injuries every year, and summertime is by far the busiest hospital season. Almost half of all unintentional injury-related deaths in the …