Those who only know a little about acupuncture often think of it as a way to get pain relief and that’s true. However, what acupuncture is at its core is a method of manipulating and preserving energy, also known as the Chi of a person. The main goal of acupuncture is actually preserving energy and through this, pain relief and …
Introduction to Pilates with Kim Reis
CORE noun, often attributive 1: a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature <the core of the city>: as a: the usually inedible central part of some fruits (as a pineapple); especially: the papery or leathery carpels composing the ripened ovary in a pome fruit (as an apple) b: the portion …
NEW Yoga Fundamentals with Sarah Robinette!
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” Vincent van Gogh Getting started is always the most difficult part. It is for me anyway. I know I like being up early, strolling to the pool for a swim, watching the pink of morning sun play on the edges of clouds, but it’s still hard to get …
Consistent Yoga Practice: Flavor for Life
I used to think yoga was stretching. But I also used to think mayonnaise was animal fat in a jar. I had much to learn. Merriam-Webster defines Yoga with a capitol Y as “a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and …
Daily Downward Dogs Can Make Me 60% More Creative?
As if it wasn’t enough that regular exercise keeps your heart happy and body strong, Fast Company resurrects the ancient hypothesis guided by the great scholars, writers, thinkers of Grecian times that physical exercise and the consistent discipline of it actually plays a key role as ‘muse’ for creators, artists and inventors of all kinds. The key take from the …
Acupuncture: Get Out of Your Medicine Cabinet and into Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine has had a long and difficult history. As early as the 6th century BC, Ye He was making diagnoses based on yin, yang, wind, rain, night, and day. It’s incredible that a methodology and practice that has healed for thousands of years is not more widely used and accepted today. What’s not as surprising is that it is …
How Not To Be A Poser
When I heard about Jay’s upcoming workshop at Root, How Not To Be A Poser, the first thing I thought was, wow—what a clever title. But, when I read the description, I saw that the title is apt as well as clever. On October 2nd, Jay is going to lead us beyond the yoga pose, and into a deeper experience …
Yoga for a Good Swim
A good long swim is officially (at least in my book) the best way to start a day. Especially when you can do it outside under the sun. This year, I decided to take a few lessons to brush up on my strokes. Those YouTube videos are great, but there’s nothing like a real life human instructor to offer critique …
This Summer’s Hottest Trend: Mindful Sunbathing
This month, I’ve been thinking about skin. I’ve been learning about how to care for it, especially now that the sun is shining and I spend as much time soaking it in as possible. On the east coast, I had to take extreme measures to stay cool. I used my freezer to chill all plates, bowls, and utensils before eating …
Cantaloupes and Sunscreens
I’m sure you’ve heard the new sun news. It was easy to ignore back in June while we still pedaling about Portland in hoodies and jeans wondering when summer would come. But, now that the sun is shining, let’s take the FDA’s new sunscreen guidelines and all the news that followed seriously. As a group, we humans do not wear …
Do You Love Your Glow?
In my summer searching for skin care news, I came across the Skin Care Foundation’s new campaign. It’s called, “Go With Your Own Glow.” I love it! Check it out! Learning to love yourself can be a tough battle. At Root, we’re all about helping our members and friends win that battle. Only by letting go of judgment and truly …
Intro to Yoga Workshop with Sarah Robinette
LEARNING TO BEND Looking back, I can see that injuring my hip was a major turning point in my life. I was the most stubborn 20 year old in history, and I chose to ignore my pain. I developed a limp, but continued to serve beers, pizzas, and lasagnas five nights a week, hobbling around the restaurant, until one day …