Fitness for Your Mind: The Benefits of Meditation

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, pain-free living, reducing stress 26100 Comments

“In our over-stimulated world, meditation will become the new yoga.” Somehow, deep down we all seem to know that relaxation is good for us. We know we should make more time for a meditation practice. Maybe if you knew some concrete things as to the benefits of meditation, it would be easier to talk yourself into a few extra minutes …

A Holistic Approach to Health, Healing + Weight Loss

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, food + nutrition 25758 Comments

A HOLISTIC APPROACH There are many ways to slice up the pie of human existence – prana+chakras of the Indian tradition, chi+meridians of the Chinese tradition, physical, etheric + astral bodies of the esoteric tradition. Western science talks about the mental/emotional, physical, physiological and chemical realms. A holistic approach to healing, weight loss, and health means that there is an …

Cleaner + Clearer

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, Front Page 24955 Comments

    CLEANER + CLEARER Optimal health and healing can take place naturally when physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental aspects of life are brought into proper balance. Spring’s here and it’s the perfect time for your body (and mind) to hit the refresh button. JOIN US? *INTRODUCING* Organic Skin Treatment for the Body CHOICE OF TWO 60-MIN SKIN SERVICES …

Mind Body Spring Cleanse

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, food + nutrition, Front Page 28706 Comments

Holistic cleansing for mind, body, and Spirit.  Nutritionist Brittany Sandoval and Meditation Therapist Kat Lui will be leading a MIND-BODY cleanse, complete with meal plans, shopping lists, practices, activities, and private sessions to support you in a deep cleanse that is gentle, sustainable and transformative. Join the group, or opt to do the cleanse on your own schedule. The group …

Introducing Organic Detox Treatments for the Body

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Front Page, organic skin care 32140 Comments

As the largest organ in our body, we believe skin care is an important and vital way to aid the body’s detoxification process.  Root skincare combines holistic principles with the finest organic products to uncover your skin’s natural beauty and sustain its optimal health. VERA BOTANICA Austrian Moor Detox therapy for the body is a natural organic substance, thousands of …

Food Remedies

Your Skin Has No Secrets – Food Remedies

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, food + nutrition, Front Page, organic skin care 71055 Comments

Acne and other skin problems – ugh. Anyone who has ever had to deal with embarrassing, stubborn skin issues knows that it is no fun at all. Lots of time and money can be spent on cleansers, lotions, gels – but true, long-term treatment of skin issues usually lies elsewhere. What would you say if someone told you that your …

It’s a loud, Loud, LOUD, over-stimulated world. A De-clutter Checklist.

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, Front Page, increasing energy, reducing stress 28157 Comments

If most people were to be really honest, they would probably tell you that they often feel overwhelmed. Tired. Stuck. Like they have too much on their plates, and they aren’t quite sure at times where to start. In today’s world, it is easy to feel over-stimulated. Our phone and computer constantly demands our attention and expects us to respond …

Seasonal Clearing of Your Body (and Mind)

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, food + nutrition, increasing energy, pain-free living, reducing stress 20197 Comments

“The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.” ~Plato   The last few years have seen a massive rise in the popularity of cleanses, including juice cleanses, Ayurvedic and macrobiotic cleanses. Cleansing can be a very effective way to clear out …


Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, food + nutrition, Front Page, healing + injury prevention

Modern life has brought us many conveniences, but we’ve also left behind some of the traditional foods that kept our ancestors vital and strong into old age.  Possibly the most powerful of those lost foods is bone broth, and that’s ironic, because it’s so easy and inexpensive to make.  Bone broth has been known to help remedy everything from joint …

How to Care for your Skin in Winter

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Front Page, organic skin care

We have it pretty easy here in the Northwest.  Temperatures drop below 30 only on rare occasions.  Occasionally, the wind blows hard enough to make you pull your scarf tight around your face.  Our skin doesn’t suffer quite as much during winter months as those poor Midwesterners shoveling piles of snow from their driveways, their skin tight, their lips threatening …