Fitness for Your Mind: The Benefits of Meditation

Root Whole Body better sleep, detox + cleansing, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, pain-free living, reducing stress 26100 Comments

“In our over-stimulated world, meditation will become the new yoga.” Somehow, deep down we all seem to know that relaxation is good for us. We know we should make more time for a meditation practice. Maybe if you knew some concrete things as to the benefits of meditation, it would be easier to talk yourself into a few extra minutes …

Here Comes the Sun: How to Prepare (even in Portland)

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention, organic skin care 22819 Comments

Don’t be fooled by cloudy days! Myths and tips about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. Many of us would never forget to pack sunscreen when going on a hot sunny hike, but protecting ourselves on a cool cloudy day never seems to cross our minds. Especially if you’re just running errands around town. Up to 80% of the UV …

Foam Roller Workshop with Dr. Brenda Ku

Root Whole Body better sleep, Events, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, keeping flexible, pain-free living, reducing stress 21483 Comments

  Foam Roller Workshop with Dr. Brenda Ku Saturday May 3rd @ 1:30pm Post-workout, post-injury or post-surgery, learn how to restore your body to maintain a flexible, active and pain-free lifestyle. You’ll take home a foam roller and specific techniques to reduce pain, minimize sore muscles and remove adhesions. $45 pp includes includes Roller to take home | $30 pp without …


Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, food + nutrition, Front Page, healing + injury prevention

Modern life has brought us many conveniences, but we’ve also left behind some of the traditional foods that kept our ancestors vital and strong into old age.  Possibly the most powerful of those lost foods is bone broth, and that’s ironic, because it’s so easy and inexpensive to make.  Bone broth has been known to help remedy everything from joint …

Acupuncture and Pain

Acupuncture and Pain: Moving without Hesitation

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, pain-free living

  When it comes to trying to reduce pain in your body, I bet that sticking multiple needles into your skin may not be the first idea that pops into your head. Many people seem to fall into two major categories when it comes to their body and pain: one group unfortunately just accepts pain as a part of their …

Navigating Auto Insurance Healthcare Coverage when in a Motor Vehicle Accident

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, pain-free living 32245 Comments

According to the US Census, there are about 10.5 million motor vehicle accidents (MVA) every year in the United States since 2000.  Besides scary, getting into an auto accident is extremely stressful.  While most of us pay for auto insurance, we don’t really know the details of our coverage especially as it relates to healthcare.   Auto insurance is designed …

TOUCH: The power of touch simply makes you healthier

Root Whole Body Front Page, healing + injury prevention, keeping flexible, pain-free living, reducing stress

Modern medicine recognizes that the power of touch simply makes you healthier. Consistent bodywork reduces stress, boosts our immune system and has a profound effect in our ability to stay connected to our ‘self’ and our fellow humans. And in our high tech culture, we may have to work harder to honor our innate human need for touch. + pause and …

Consistent Massage

Benefits of Consistent Massage

Root Whole Body better sleep, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, pain-free living, reducing stress

  The healing benefits of massage go far beyond just alleviating sore muscles.  As humans, we thrive on positive touch.  We have all heard of prematurely born babies who begin thriving with a loving massage.  When did we think that we outgrew that need for touch? Unfortunately, in the modern world with advances in technology, we experience less and less …

Deconstruct: Pause and Question What’s Going On and Into Your Body

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, food + nutrition, Front Page, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, managing hormones, organic skin care, pain-free living

Maybe spring cleaning this year should include our lifestyle.  Our minds, like our homes, can get cluttered with old ideas, old emotions and old habits.  We weed our gardens regularly–why not ourselves?  Routine cleaning will sweep out energy that no longer serves you and let some positive growth in. +pause and question +rest your system with a seasonal cleanse +peel …