November’s Last Sunday: a mini-retreat with Shaney Aalbers

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, increasing energy, keeping flexible, managing hormones

The holidays: The most hustling and bustling time of the year.  But amidst the errands, the preparations and the parties, it's also a time to pause, reflect, and express gratitude.  Join Shaney Aalbers for November's Last Sunday, a special mini-retreat in which we will slow down and extend our practice to experience gratitude and seek attention for the self.  Safe …

Practice vs. Performance On and Off the Yoga Mat

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, keeping flexible, pain-free living, reducing stress

I came across a beautiful blog today on Everyday Yogini.  Nona writes about “staying on your mat.”  Like Nona, I’ve sometimes let my mind wander to what other students are doing, how they are doing in comparison to myself.  I think we’ve all probably stepped uninvited onto the yoga mats of others.  Perhaps it’s our competitive nature, or a learned …

We’re Lululemon’s Studio of the Month!

Root Whole Body detox + cleansing, Events, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, pain-free living

Hooray!  We’re Lululemon‘s Studio of the month!  Do you know what that means?  I’ll tell you: It means every Thursday and Sunday this month a teacher from Root Whole Body will be teaching a FREE in-store class at Lululemon in the Pearl.  1231 NW Couch.  Come join us! Here’s the schedule: Thursday 11/3 7:30-8:30pm:  Jill Allen Sunday 11/6 10-11am:  Nikki …

Introduction to Pilates with Kim Reis

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, pain-free living

CORE noun, often attributive 1:            a central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature <the core of the city>: as a: the usually inedible central part of some fruits (as a pineapple); especially: the papery or leathery carpels composing the ripened ovary in a pome fruit (as an apple) b: the portion …

NEW Yoga Fundamentals with Sarah Robinette!

Root Whole Body Events, healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, managing hormones, pain-free living, reducing stress

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” Vincent van Gogh Getting started is always the most difficult part.  It is for me anyway.  I know I like being up early, strolling to the pool for a swim, watching the pink of morning sun play on the edges of clouds, but it’s still hard to get …

Daily Downward Dogs Can Make Me 60% More Creative?

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, managing hormones, pain-free living, reducing stress

As if it wasn’t enough that regular exercise keeps your heart happy and body strong, Fast Company resurrects the ancient hypothesis guided by the great scholars, writers, thinkers of Grecian times that physical exercise and the consistent discipline of it actually plays a key role as ‘muse’ for creators, artists and inventors of all kinds. The key take from the …

Yoga for a Good Swim

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, pain-free living

A good long swim is officially (at least in my book) the best way to start a day.  Especially when you can do it outside under the sun.  This year, I decided to take a few lessons to brush up on my strokes.  Those YouTube videos are great, but there’s nothing like a real life human instructor to offer critique …

Music Resounds in Root Studio

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, reducing stress 24382 Comments

One Thursday each month, a rhythmic drumming can be heard coming from the studio at Root Whole Body as students move through vinyasa.  This month we are blessed with two musical Thursdays!  Last week, the Yoga Vibes Band made its debut with Yoga Vibes, a yoga and voice workshop with Daniel Flynn. The musicians and students were quiet as they …

Labor and Birth for Couples with Sarah Robinette

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible

If there’s a bun in your oven, chances are you spend some amount of time preparing for your little one’s birthday.  There are supplies to buy, books to read, long talks with experienced mothers.  There is taking time to care for yourself with diet and exercise while a home to a growing being. It’s also beneficial, of course, to prepare …

Coming Soon: Yoga Vibes with Daniel Flynn

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible

A fellow graduate student of mine wrote his masters thesis on Interconnectivity in Choreomusical Performance.  A fascinating mouthful, as the projects at the Gallatin School in New York City tend to be.  I learned many things from Ken in our round table discussions and from his performances throughout our degree program.  Ken is a drummer and a dancer specializing in …

Intro to Yoga Workshop with Sarah Robinette

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible, pain-free living

LEARNING TO BEND Looking back, I can see that injuring my hip was a major turning point in my life.  I was the most stubborn 20 year old in history, and I chose to ignore my pain.  I developed a limp, but continued to serve beers, pizzas, and lasagnas five nights a week, hobbling around the restaurant, until one day …

Hatha for Strength: a workshop with Daniel Flynn | Saturday, July 16th 2pm

Root Whole Body healing + injury prevention, increasing energy, keeping flexible

CONTROL The creative process is a process of surrender, not control. Julia Cameron The New York Times recently reported that an increasing number of adult women are being diagnosed with eating disorders.  I wasn’t surprised by these findings, especially, as the Times article explains, women with eating disorders often appear quite functional.  On the surface, they are in control.  That’s …